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Crop Management

Crop Management

Brassica forage crops produce large yields of high quality, homegrown forage from options that can be fed from early summer through to late winter. They should be considered in any situation where pasture quantity or quality is limiting the potential of livestock.

  • Brassicas provide a bulk amount of high quality feed to maximise growth rates and increase the number of stock finished or maintained per hectare.
  • A brassica crop provides a break from pasture, decreasing pest levels, eliminating weed problems and with fertiliser helps correct soil fertility problems, resulting in cleaner, higher
    producing pasture.
  • Using brassicas helps avoid parasites and pathogens that cause animal health problems such as facial eczema and ryegrass staggers.
  • Brassica crops can increase stock productivity and therefore increase farm profitability.

Like any crop, sound planning and attention to detail is the key to successful brassica production and we have developed some guidelines, developed from many years of trialling and monitoring to help ensure you get the best from your crop.

An establishing brassica forage crop.

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